Monday, December 31, 2007

Mark L. Levine (November 13, 1948 - December 23, 2007)

A biography could be written about my father but would never be able to cover the breadth of his achievements and legacy he has left behind. The past seven days since his passing was a great testament to the type of person my father was. It was awe-inspiring to hear about all the stories about how much my father affected so many peoples’ lives, whether they would be dear friends and relatives or someone who met him a handful of times.

I want to thank everyone for honoring my father in the way in which he deserved to be remembered; with the respect and dignity that he showed to everyone he ever encountered.

I am sure there are many stories to be told and many great memories to be shared. I encourage anyone who would like to post something in reverence to my father to please do so. After speaking to many friends and family, there was so much I haven't heard before, which I would love to be able to print and keep with me forever. If you are having trouble logging on, please feel free to send an email with your comments to me at and I will be sure to post it as soon as possible.

Once again, I want to thank everyone for all of your support and love during this tumultuous time, it will never be forgotten. I know my father is with us and will continue to be with us forever.

Friday, November 30, 2007


As it will be a surprise to most, Whitney and I officially got married last night (11/29/07). We made the decision on Wednesday night, and next thing you know we were married on Thursday. She is legally, Whitney Rose Levine. While it was very last minute and held at my parents' house with just our immediate family, it was a joyous and wonderful event. Even without a full day's notice, we were fortunate enough to have our Rabbi Daniel Pernick and Cantor Geri Zeller lead the beautiful ceremony.

Although the ceremony was kept to just our immediate families, please know that everyone was in our thoughts and our hearts. Once I put the pictures up online, I will be sure to include a link on this site so others can enjoy. As always, thank you so much for all of your kind remarks and support, it means the world to us.

It was amazing to have you experience this with us Dad. We all love you!

Your most favorite youngest son and daughter,

Dan & Whitney

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Yes, I am sure you can list a few other things you would want to be doing on your birthday other than a blood transfusion, but just have faith that this will allow you to at least celebrate your 150th ! As your son, there is nothing more I could be more proud of than seeing you fight this battle the way that you are.

For everyone that visits this blog, please note that we will be having a huge party next year to celebrate Mark's 60th. Come one, come all.

We all love you.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thanks for the prayers

Since it is the Jewish New Year I want to take this time to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year, For the past 5 months I have received prayers from all of my Jewish and non Jewish friends. Catholic, Protistant, Moslem, and others that I am sorry I am not sure of. At this time I hope all of you take these words and all of you have a happy, healthy New Year . It would make me feel great knowing that all of my freinds who pray for me every week receive the good wishes that Nicki and I wish for you. You all are the best,


Mark & Nicki

L'a Shona Tova

Monday, September 3, 2007

In case you would like to know about this Trial...

Although most of the document is medical jargon that you won't be able to understand. This is the clinical trial that my father is taking part in. If you do some research, you can see, that it sounds promising.

Keep up the fight pops!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Update / Ying and Yang

Well I finished my first week with the new drug and I had no reaction. We received some good news from my doctor. The lesions in my liver have gotten smaller and the lesions in my lungs have stayed the same with no growth. That's the good news. The found another lesion in my spine in the lumbar region and will begin radiation this Tuesday. The radiologists says it will be nothing like the last radiation in size and area so the side effects wont be nearly as bad, also since I have not been on chemo I should do ok (Whew). In general I feel pretty good and all my vitals seem to be in good shape. Still trying to get my pulse down but can't get below 100.

I hope this note finds everyone well and enjoying the holiday weekend.

Looking forward till tomorrow



Monday, August 27, 2007

Radio Waves as Cancer Treatment

As a follow-up to Karen's post, there seems to be some promising treatment from the use of Radio Waves. Very interesting piece, which I will surely be following.

"Fascinating" Possible Cancer Treatment
ERIE, Pa., Aug. 27, 2007
(CBS) For most, a cancer diagnosis can be devastating. But, as CBS News contributor Benno Schmidt reported on The Early Show Monday, for John Kanzius, it was a call to action. Kanzius isn't a doctor. He doesn't even have a college degree. Yet, observes Schmidt, the device he invented has impressed a notable researcher and inspired his hometown, Erie, Pa., to the point where it gave him a key to the city in April. Asked by Schmidt what made him think he could cure cancer, Kanzius replied with a laugh, "What made me think I couldn't cure cancer? Nobody else was doing it!" A former radio and TV engineer and one-time station owner, Kanzius, who suffers from leukemia, hated his chemotherapy and saw its devastating effect on others. "I ran into some of the same patients over and over again and, to see their smiles disappear within a few weeks, and then watch their hair disappear and then, clinging to their mothers asking, 'What's wrong with me?' was heartbreaking." Kanzius, who'd been building radios since childhood, believed radio waves could somehow be harnessed to destroy cancer, without drugs or invasive surgery. "I envision this treatment taking no more than a couple of minutes or so," he says. Kanzius hopes cancer treatments could work something like this: A patient would be injected with tiny metal nano-particles, which would be carried through the bloodstream by a targeting molecule and attach only to cancerous cells. The patient would then be exposed to an energy field created by radio waves, and feel nothing, while the nano-particles would generate enough heat to destroy their cancerous host cell. While noting that targeting cancer cells will be the biggest challenge, Kanzius demonstrated just how easily the nano-particles could be used as receivers. A lab worker injected carbon nano-particles into a specific spot in a piece of liver, which was then placed into an energy field of low frequency radio waves. Within seconds, the areas injected the with nano-particles were heated to the point of actually cooking the liver, while leaving the surrounding meat unscathed. Kanzius' invention has caught the attention of Dr. Steven Curley, a surgical oncologist and cancer researcher at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. "This has the most fascinating potential I've seen in anything in my twenty years of cancer research," Curley told Schmidt. Curley has developed current methods of using radio frequencies to attack cancer, but says he looks forward to one day using a non-invasive approach like the one Kanzius is working on. "This," Curley says, "is what will get into the cancer cells and again … release heat that will kill the cancer cells." He wouldn't reveal animal test results on camera, but says he's optimistic that his findings will this fall. In the meantime, he's joined Kanzius in an effort to raise awareness and funds to expedite further research. The April symposium at which Kanzius got the key to Erie brought out 700 people who were not only enthused by the prospect of curing cancer, but having their city as the manufacturing hub of the device Kanzius invented. Former Erie Mayor Joyce Savocchio remarks, "I always say to John Kanzius, he'd better practice Swedish, because I honestly believe he's going to be in Sweden accepting the Nobel Prize!" Savocchio leads the fundraising efforts in Erie and says, since the machine would be built there, Erie cud benefit, big-time. "The projected income," she points out, "should this be successful, is anywhere between $2.5 billion and $10 billion a year." Experts say human trials using Kanzius' device are at least two years away, but Kanzius is undaunted, telling Schmidt, "I'd like to see the first patient treated wile I'm still alive, and to have the doctor tell them they're cured! As for Kanzius himself — Schmidt says his health is considered stable, and he continues to undergo chemotherapy for his leukemia.

Click on this link to watch the video:

Monday, August 20, 2007

Short update.

Well for the past 3 weeks my goal has been to get strong and put on weight. Well with the help of a drug my doctor gave me I have gained 3 pounds and am getting stronger every day. I have cut down on the methadone pain killer and have much more strength. For the first time in 4 months I have gone out with Nicki and it was not to go to the hospital or doctor. What a relief. That in itself made me feel so good.

So this week I go for the PET scan and CAT scan and get ready for new treatment next week. We are excited and feel very positive about the new drug.

It makes me so happy writing this and feeling good. Once again thanks for all of the e mails, cards and calls. I am sure all of your positive energy has helped me get stronger.

Looking forward till tomorrow



Friday, August 10, 2007

Here we go again!

Well its back to the blog. Sorry it takes so long but often there is little to write about. I went to Sloan on Thursday and met with my doctors. I have enrolled in a brand new clinical research program. There will be 20 people involved and I am number 3. The drug is called ADI-SS Peg 20,000. It causes a nutrient called Arginine to break down and that nutrient is needed by melanoma cells to grow. My doctor feels optimistic about this cutting edge drug so away we go. I need to go for a number of scans to see if the results. The results in mice have been very positive so as we say Here we go again!

Once again thanks to all of you for your warm wishes, notes, e mails, calls and thanks for staying with me over these past few months it really means the world.

Nicki continues to hold down the fort and does an amazing job in keeping it all together.

Looking forward till tomorrow

